Preventive Procedures
- Infant Oral Health
- Diet Counseling
- Caries Risk Assessment in Children
- Oral Prophylaxis (Cleaning of teeth)
- Fluoride applications
- Pit & Fissure Sealants
Restorative procedures
- Tooth-colored restorations
- Restoration of fractured or decayed anterior teeth.
- Oral Rehabilitation for Early childhood caries
- Crowns – Stainless steel, Polycarbonate, Strip crowns, latest 3D-crowns (Printed and milled) and Endo crowns
Endodontic procedures
- Direct and Indirect Pulp capping, Pulpotomy, Pulpectomy & Root Canal treatments
- Apexification, Apexogenesis and Revascularization
- Management of all types of traumatic injuries to teeth
- Restoration of badly mutilated teeth (Post and Core Restorations)
Orthodontic Procedures
- Space maintainers
- Minor Orthodontic corrections
- Habit breaking appliances
- Functional appliances
- Minor orthodontic corrections using removable and fixed treatment modalities.
Surgical procedures
- Extractions
- Minor oral Surgical procedures
- Frenectomy
- Frenotomy
- Hemi-section
- Surgical removal of impacted teeth
- Enucleation and Marsupilization
- Excision of Mucocele, etc.,
Specialized Treatements
- Treatment under Nitrous oxide-oxygen Analgesia, Conscious Sedation and General Anesthesia.
- Diode LASER application in soft tissue oral surgery and Endodontics Laser treatment.
- Management of Children with special health care needs.
- Nasoalveolar moulding for infants with cleft lip and palate.
- Performing Procedures under Dental Operatory Microscope (DOM).