List of Publications
- Chinnamurthy, B., Jyothirmai, K., Reddy, R. S., Ramesh, T., Lokam, J., & Kantheti, H. (2023). Evaluation of the Anatomic Variations of Lingual Foramen and its Bony Canals with CBCT in South Indian Sub-population: A Radiographic Observational Study. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology. 2023; 44(7): 1–8.
- Bhargavi Chinnamurthy, Koneru Jyothirmai, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Tatapudi Ramesh, B. Ananda Babu a and Geetanjali Darna a Saliva as a Diagnostic Tool in Forensic Odontology: Scope and Methods. Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., 2023;44(9): 95-104, 2023.
- Ramesh Kumar Budumuru, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Srujana Daniella Remulla, Tatapudi Ramesh, Niveditha Koppera and Sravani Jampana Morphometric Comparison of the Maxillary Alveolar Ridge Profile at Lateral Incisor and Premolar Tooth Regions Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography: A Cross-sectional Comparative Study. Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., vol. 44(10): 1-8, 2023.
- Niveditha Koppera, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Geetanjali Darna, Ramesh Tatapudi, Ramesh Kumar Budumuru and Vinutna Nanda Matta Assessment of Influence of Age and Gender on Morphological Variations of Nasopalatine Canal Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography: A Radiographic Observational Study. Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 73-82, 2023.
- Geetanjali D, Koppera N, Reddy RS, Ramesh T, Roja K, Kashya Pinni. Prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions in Geriatric Population of Coastal Andhra Pradesh. Oral Maxillofac Pathol J 2023; 14(2):180-184.
- Sravani J, Reddy S R, Koneru J, Arun B, Vinutna N M, Janeswari l. “UnveilingtheBiofluidOmic” A Sialoanalysis in Postmenopausal Women. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci. 2023;12(11): 245-249.
- Janeswari l , Koneru J , Bhavanam H , Reddy S R , Tatapudi R , Jampana S. Exploring Canine Anomalies: Patterns, Prevalence, and Their Relationship to Skeletal Malocclusion among Orthodontic Patients at Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Dec, Vol-17(12): ZC39-ZC42.
- Ramesh et al. Prevalence of oral potentially malignant disorders, oral leukoplakia, oral lichen planus, oral submucous Fibrosis A Four years Hospital Based Retrospective Study. Int J Oral Rehab 2022; Article ID20221005.
- Sai Praveen K N, Veeraraghavan G, Ramesh T, Teja T N, Upendra G, Kalyan Y. Efficacy of cryogun versus diode laser therapy in the management of oral leukoplakia. J Indian Acad OralMed Radiol 2021;33:60-5.
- Tatapudi R, Samad SK, Manyam R, Dasari D, Lakshmi RV. Efficacy of curcumin in the treatment of denture stomatitis: A randomized double‐blind study. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2021;25:286‐91.
- Remulla SD, Koneru J, Reddy S, Tatapudi R, Darna G, Prathipati.Prediction of nerve damage by comparing periapical radiographic signs of impacted mandibular third molars in close proximity to inferior alveolar nerve with their true tomographic relationship – An observational study. IP Int J Maxillofac Imaging.
- Madugula P, Koneru J,Reddy S, Babu A, Dasi N,Goparthi N .craniofacial cephalometrics and osteometrics of mandible in gender determination: a digital radiographic study. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3).
- Jyothirmai K, Ravikiran A, Samatha Y, Babu B A. Prevalence of Hepatitis C virus infection in patients with oral lichen planus in Guntur, Andhrapradesh.2020;1(2):37-40.
- Dasam S, Ramesh T, Kishore M, Manyam R. Osteomyelitis of maxilla: An unusual case. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2020;32:411-3.
- Teja TN, Sai Praveen KN, Reddy RS, Ramesh T, Reddy KR, Geetanjali D. Correlation of anthropometric measurements and odontometric measurements: A possible forensic tool in stature estimation. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2020;32:376-83.
- Sudarshini PS, Rajesh N, Sudhakara Reddy R, Evolution of Image Receptors in Dental Radiology. Int J Dent Mater 2020;2(1): 5-10.
- Kucherlapati Renuka, Buddaraju Leela, Nallakunta Rajesh, Merneedi Veerakumari, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Suribhotla Suryabharath, M. Veera Kumari. Knowledge, Awareness and Practices of Forensic Dentistry: A Questionnaire Study among Dental Personnel Practicing in Bhimavaram Town, South India. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, December 2019, Vol. 10, No. 12
- Reddy KR, Tatapudi R, Reddy RS, Kumar CN, Teja TN, Swathi G. Assessment of linear measurements with intra oral grid on intra oral periapical image –A comparison of digital and conventional film images using bisecting angle and paralleling techniques. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2019;31:339‐45.
- Swathi G, Ramesh T, Reddy R. Incidence of chronic inflammatory hyperplasia and radicular cyst: A rare case report with review of literature. International Journal of Oral Health Sciences. 2019 Jul 1;9(2):98.
- Avvaru A, Jyothirmai K, Sudhakara Reddy R, Ramesh T, Ananda babu B, Rajesh N. Evaluation of mandibular incisive canal anatomy by cone beam computed tomography. Int J Dent Health Sci 2018; 5(4): 521-530.
- Swathi M, Ramesh T, Reddy RS, Begum MR, Rajesh N, Reshmi T. Oral manifestations in diabetic patients under treatment for ischemic heart diseases: A comparative observational study. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2018;30:385‐91.
- Gadadasu Swathi, Tatapudi Ramesh, Roja Reddy, ThumulaReshmi, Madamalasuvarna and Sureshsanikommu, 2018. “Evaluation of clinical awareness in undergraduate and postgraduate dental students by persuing their opinions on common oral mucosal lesions through questionnaire”, International Journal of Current Research. 2018; 10(08): 72766-72768.
- Anusha. A,Ramesh T, Roja Reddy,Anand Babu B, Raghavendra M.N, Maha Lakshmi.V, DISCLOSING THE CONCEAL OF INVISIBILITY – A RARE CASE REPORT OF MORPHOLOGICAL VARIANT OF TEMPORO- MANDIBULAR JOINT;wjpmr, 2018,4(11), 235-239.
- Gadadasu Swathi, Tatapudi Ramesh,Roja Reddy, Thumula Reshmi,Madamala Suvarna, Suresh Sanikommu; EVALUATION OF CLINICAL AWARENESS IN UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE DENTAL STUDENTS BY PERSUING THEIR OPINIONS ON COMMON ORAL MUCOSAL LESIONS THROUGHQUESTIONNAIRE; International Journal of Current Research Vol. 10, Issue, 08, pp.72766-72768, August, 2018
- Rambabu T, Srikanth V, Sajjan GS, Ganguru S, Gayatri C, Roja K. Comparison of tentative radiographic working length with and without grid versus electronic apex locator. Contemp Clin Dent 2018;9:88-91.
- Geetanjali Darna, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, RajeshNallakunta, Sruthi Rayapureddy, TungalaNavya Teja, Veera Kumari.M; UNRAVELLING THE MYTH- DERMATOGLYPHICS IN ORAL POTENTIALLY MALIGNANT DISORDERS; InternationalJournal of Current Research Vol. 10, Issue, 02, pp.65741-65746, February, 2018
- Rezwana Begum Mohammed, Sk. Md. Iftekhar Rasool, Meenakshi K, Syed Amthul Yasmeen, K. Anusha, Narasimha Rao Guddala. Assessment of Student’s Perceptions for Audio-visual Aids in Dentistry. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2017; 7: 256-262.
- Kotha Pavani,R.Sudhakara Reddy, K.Jyothirmai , N.Rajesh,B.Naveen kumar, K.N.V.S.Praveen;Role of frontal sinus and nasal septal patterns in personal identification- A digital radiographic study International Journal of Current Research Vol. 9, Issue, 12, pp.62573-62578, December, 2017.
- T.Reshmi, Jyothirmai.K, R.Sudhakara Reddy, T.Ramesh, D.Chandini, V.Maha Lakshmi; Radiographic appraisal of maxillo – mandibular osteometrics – An indicator in sexual dimorphism; International Journal of Current Research Vol. 9, Issue, 12, pp.62433-62436, December, 2017.
- Tungala Navya Teja, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Nallakunta Rajesh, Rayapureddy Sruthi, Darna Geetanjali and Penugonda Bala Satya Srinivas;Anthropometrics and Odontometrics in Gender Determination – An Observational Comparative Study; International Journal of Current Research; Vol-9, Issue-10, pp. 58803 – 58807, October 2017.
- D,Ayesha Thabusum, Rajesh.N,R.Sudhakara Reddy,M.Ravikanth, U.Shivaji Raju. Odontogenic myxoma of maxilla – A rare case report. World journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 2017,3(1), 282-285.
- Ramesh Tatapudi, Swathy Myla, Upendra Gurugubelli, Jyothirmai Koneru, Meenakshi K, Sravani Bandaru, Reshmi Thumula; Comparison between the commonly used radiographic techniques for intra oral imaging in dentistry – A questionnaire study: International Journal of Dental Research:5(2), (2017), 157-162.
- K. Roja Reddy, Meenakshi Krishnan, T. Ramesh, B. Sravani Krishna, G. Swathi, K. Sai Praveen;Evaluation of Knowledge and Awareness on Practice of Dental Radiographic Safety Measures in West Godavari District, India – A Questionnaire Based Cross-Sectional Study; International Journal of Dental Research and Oral Sciences;2017 Jul, Vol-11(7), ZD01 – ZD02.
- Raghavendra Mahadev Naik, Ramanjaneya Raju Pennemetsa, Sudhakara Reddy, Praveen Gadde, Sruthi Rayapureddy; Quirky Bulb On the Lower Jaw: An Organizing Haematoma; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research; 2017 Jul, Vol-11(7), ZD01 – ZD02.
- Chandini dabbiru, Raghavendra M.N, Kishore Moturi, Govind Rajkumar N; Oral Focal Mucinosis of Gingival – a Rare Case Report and Review of Literature; International Journal of Dental Research: 5 (1) (2017), 26-29.
- Preethi Madugula, Sudhakara Reddy, Jyothirmai Koneru, Atla Srinivasa Rao, Rayapureddi Sruthi, Divya Teja Dalli; Rhetoric to Reality – Efficacy of Punica Granatum Peel Extract on Oral Candidiasis: – An In Vitro Study; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2017 January; Vol – 11(1), ZC114 – ZC117.
- Tatapudi Ramesh , GurugubelliUpendra , BandaruSravani Krishna , DatharSahithi , Priyankesh Sinha, Myla Swathi. A retrospective analysis to assess correlation between habit association and site involved, treatment provided and its outcome in oral leukoplakia patients. International journal of medical sciences and public health, 2016:5(1)
- Ayesha thabusum dharmavaram, Rajesh nallakunta, Sudhakara reddy reddy, Sai kiran chennoju. Demystifying the Enigma of Smoking – An Observational Comparative Study on Tobacco Smoking. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Apr, Vol-10(4): ZC94-ZC99
- Tatapudi Ramesh , GurugubelliUpendra , BandaruSravani Krishna , SahithiDathar , PriyankeshRaghavendra MN , Swathi Myla , Roja. K .A comparative study to diagnose the accuracy of E-speed film, complimentary metal oxide semiconductor and storage phosphor systems in the detection of proximal caries: An in vitro study. International Journal of Dental Research, 4 (1) (2016) 1-4
- N. Rajesh, D. Ayesha Thabusum, R. Sudhakara Reddy, M. Ravikanth. Demystifying the mystified – An ambiguous presentation of cement-ossifying fibroma in maxilla. British Journal of Medicine and Medical research. 2016;16(6): 1-6.
- Rayapureddy Sruthi, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Nallakunta Rajesh, Koneru Jyothirmai, Madgula Preethi, Thungala Navya Teja. Carrea’s Index and tooth dimensions – An avant-garde in stature estimation: An observational study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.2016 Dec, Vol- 10(12): ZC33-ZC37
- Dalli DT, Reddy SR, Dathar S, Nallakunta R, Madugula P, Darna G. Odontometrics: A key to Gender determination. World J Dent 2016;7(3):1-5.
- Gurugubelli U, Tatapudi R, Manyam R, Sinha P.A silent transformation of keratocystic odontogenic tumour to squamous cell carcinoma: a case report and review of literature; Journal of Indian academy of oral medicine and radiology.,2016,28(2)175-79
- Vijayalaxmi N, Sudhakara Reddy R, Ramesh T, Lavanya Reddy R, Swapna La.Effect of tens in relieving symptoms of xerostomia, International journal of current research., 2016; 8 (11), 41086-41091.
- Ramya, Sudhakara ReddySalivary glucose levels and oral candidal carriage in type ii diabetics ,International journal of health sciences,2016, 468-470
- Boddu Naveen Kumar, T.Ramesh, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy,Saikiran Chennoju, Kotha Pavani, Kotu Nagavenkata Sai Praveen.; Morphological analysis of mandible for sex determination-a retrospective study; International journal of science and research Methodology; 2016. ;4(3).115-122
- N. Rajesh, D Ayesha Thabusum, R. Sudhakarareddy, M. Ravikanth, U. Shivaji Raju. An Oral Ulcer- Unraveling the Mystery. Saudi J. Biomed. Res.; Vol-1, Iss-3(Sep-Nov, 2016):72-75.
- Thabusum AD, Rajesh N, Reddy SR. Hampering the Hampered – A syndromic apathy. International Journal of Dental Clinics. 2015;7(2):32- 34
- Satish A, Sudhakara Reddy, Ramesh T, Ramya K, Naveen B, Saikiran C. IDENTIFYING RISK GROUPS FOR OSTEOPOROSIS BY DIGITAL PANORAMIC RADIOGRAPHY. CCD 2015;6;(2): S253-7
- Praveen KN, Gajendra V, RS Reddy, Pavani K, Jyothirmai K, Kalyan Y. MANAGEMENT OF ORAL LEUKOPLAKIA USING DIODE LASER. A PILOT STUDY. British J of Medicine and Medical Research 2015;10(7):1-6
- Kashyap B, Anand S, Reddy S, Sahukar SB, Supriya N, Pasupuleti S. Comparison of the bite mark pattern and intercanine distance between humans and dogs. J Forensic Dent Sci 2015;7:175-9
- Dathar Sahithi, SudhakaraReddy, Divya teja, Jyothirmayi Koneru,kotu nagavenkata sai Praveen, R.Sruthi. Reveal the concealed- Morphological variations of coronoid process, condyle and sigmoid notch in personal identification. Egypt J forensic sci(2015)
- Sahithi D, Sudhara reddy, Jyothirmayi K, M. Preethi, Sateesh G. NUCLEAR IMAGING IN DENTISTRY- A NOVEL MODALITY TO EXPLORE. International Journal of Health 2015;3;(2):38-41
- Nallamilli SM, Tatapudi R, Reddy SR, Chennoju SK, Kotha R, Kotha P. DIVERSITY OF PALATAL RUGAE PATTERNS AND THEIR RELIABILITY IN SEX IN A SOUTH INDIAN POPULATION. J Indian A cad Oral Med Radiol 2015;27:9-12
- Kiran CS, Reddy RS, Nallakunta R. Evaluation of genotoxic effect of amalgam restorations in oral cavity. J Orofac Sci 2015;7:100-3
- D. Sahithi, Sudhakar reddy, ch.Saikiran, T. Ramesh, N. Rajesh, Divya teja. FLORID CEMENTO-OSSEOUS DYSPLASIA- A HIDDEN INQUEST. International Journal of Medicine 2015;3;(2):77-9
- Nallamilli SM, Ramesh T, RS Reddy, M. Ravikanth, N. Rajesh. Primary INTRAOSSEOUS MUCOEPIDERMOID CARCINOMA OF THE MAXILLA. Ghana Medical Journal 2015;49;(2):120-3
- Ayesha Thabasum, R Sudhakara Reddy, Rajesh N. OZONE THE NEW NEMESIS OF CANKER SORE. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Mar 2015;9(3):ZC01-ZC04
- R Sudhakara reddy, K Ramya, K Pavani, G Subbarayudu, N Rajesh, R Sruthi. “DENTAL ANXIETY – NEGLECT OF DENTAL CARE.” Int J of Health. 2015:3(1); 20-23
- D. Ayesha Thabusum, R. Sudhakara Reddy, T. Ramesh, N. Rajesh. “LIPID PROFILE AS A MARKER OF PRE-STAGE CANCER AND ORAL CANCER IN TOBACCO USERS”. International Blood Research & Reviews. 2015:3(1): 26-35.
- Dathar Sahithi, Sudhakara Reddy, N. Rajesh, Sheela Priyadarshini, Meenakshi Krishnan, Gurugubelli Updendra “Post Menopause and Osteoporosis – Unfolding the link”, International Journal of Medicine 2015;3(1):26-28.
- Kotu Nagavenkata Sai Praveen, Gajendra Veeraraghavan, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Pavani Kotha, Kalyan Yelisetty, “Cryosurgery in the Management of Potentially Malignant Lesions: A Report of Two Cases”, IJSS Case Reports & Reviews, Jan 2015;1(8): 5-9.
- D. Ayesha Thabusum, N. Rajesh, R. Sudhakara Reddy, T. Ramesh, M. Ravikanth, “Epithelioid Haemangioma – A Diagnostic Dilemma”, British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 2015; 6(10): 1032-1039.
- Ch. Sai Kiran, R. Sudhakara Reddy, T. Ramesh, N. Sai Madhavi, K. Ramya, “Radiographic evaluation of dental age using Demirjian’s eight-teeth method and its comparison with Indian formulas in South Indian population”, Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences” Jan-Apr 2015; 7(1): 44-48.
- D. Ayesha Thabusum, N. Rajesh, R. Sudhakara Reddy, T. Ramesh. “ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIA – A CASE STUDY OF TWO IDENTICAL SIBILINGS”. International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research. 2014;2( 6):175-178
- Sudhakara Reddy, Rajesh N, Raghavendra M N, Satish Alapati, Pavani kotha.“UNLEASH THE UNKNOWN – FRONTAL SINUS AND NASAL SEPTAL PATTERNS IN PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION”. International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research,.2014;2(6): 141-145.
- Vijayalaxmi Nimma, Reddy Lavanya, Swapna Lingam Amara, Reddy Sudhakara, Ramesh T, Padmareddy M. “ARE YOU WILLING TO TREAT PATIENTS WITH HIV/AIDS? – AN ANONYMOUS SURVEY AMONG STAFF AND STUDENTS OF DENTAL INSTITUTION”. Oral Health and Dental Management; Sep2014;13(3):745-748. September, 2014.
- T Ramesh, R Sudhakara Reddy, Ch Sai Kiran, R Lavanya, B Naveen Kumar. “PALATAL CHANGES IN REVERSE AND CONVENTIONAL SMOKERS – A CLINICAL COMPARATIVE STUDY IN SOUTH INDIA”. Indian Journal of Dentistry, 2014;34-38.
- Sudhakara Reddy, R. Lavanya Reddy, T. Ramesh, N. Vijayalaxmi, L. A. Swapna, T. Rajesh Singh, Burnout among Dental Faculty and Students in a Dental College, Ind J Public Health Res & Develop, Jan-Mar 2014; 5(1): 69 -73.
- Ramya Kotha, Reddy Sudhakarareddy, Satish Alapati, Correlation of Anemia, Xerostomia and its Association with Candidial Colonization among Postmenopausal Women of Different Socioeconomic Status in Patients Attending Dental School in South India, Int J Exper Dent Sci, 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1065.
- Lingam Amara Swapna, Reddy, Sudhakara Reddy, Tatapudi Ramesh, Reddy Lavanya Reddy, Nimma Vijayalakshmi, Partha Karmakar, Koppolu Pradeep. “ORAL HEALTH STATUS IN HAEMODYALYSIS PATIENTS.” J of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Sept 2013;7(9):2047-2050.
- R Sudhakara Reddy, K Ramya, M A V K Raju, G Subba Rayudu, Ch Sai Kiran, K Jyothirmai. “KNOWLEDGE, AWARENESS AND ATTITUDES ABOUT RESEARCH ETHICS AMONG DENTAL PROFESSIONALS IN A DENTAL INSTITUTION OF SOUTH”. Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry. Jan-Jun 2013:3(1);34-39.
- R. Sudhakara Reddy, Ch. Sai Kiran , N. Sai Madhavi , M.N. Raghavendra, A.Satish, Prevalence of elongation and calcification patterns of elongated styloid process in south india, J Clin Exp Dent. 2013;5(1):e30-5.
- Reddy lavanya, Ramesh Tatapudi, lingam amara swapna, nimma vijaya lakshmi, B mamatha. Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe vera) in oral diseases International Journal of Contemporary Surgery, jan-june,2013,vol 1, no 1 pg;19-24.
- K.S.Uloopi , Vinay.C, Alluri Deepika ,Chandra Shekar .Raghu Dhanpal , T. Ramesh , pediatric gaint cell fibroma – an unusual case report . J of Pediatric Dentistry v-34, 7 NOV-DEC 12 .
- Dr.R.Sudhakara reddy, Dr.Ch.Sai kiran, Dr.T.Ramesh, Dr.B. Naveen Kumar, Dr.M.N.Raghavendra , K.Ramya , “ Evaluation of knowledge and attitude of dental fraternity towards cone beam computed tomography” – a questionnaire study. Indian Journal of Dentistry Volume 4, Issue 2 , Pages 88-94, June 2013.
- N.Sai madhavi, M.A.K.V. Raju, R.Sudhakara Reddy, T.Ramesh, D. Ayesha Thabassum, K.Ramya. Impact of oral diseases on quality of life in subjects attending outpatient department of a dental hospital, India. Journal of orofacial sciences, volume 5: issue 1, jan 2013.
- Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Swapna Lingam Amara, Ramesh Tatapudi, Pradeep Koppolu, Vijaya Laxmi Nimma, Reddy Lavanya Reddy. Awareness and attitude towards maintenance of oral health during pregnancy among patients and clinicians attending obstetrics and gynecology ward. Journal of Dr. NTR university of health sciences2013;2(2):102-108s.
- Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Kotha Ramya, Manyam Ravi Kanth, Uddarraju Shivaji Raju. “DISGUISED ULCER OF LIP AND BUCCAL MUCOSA- RARE CLINICAL MANIFESTATION AS TUBERCULOSIS: A CASE REPORT.” Arch Oral; Res. Sep/Dec 2012:8(3);243-48.
- Lavanya Reddy R, Saimadhavi N, Sudharakara Reddy R, Ramesh T, Padma Reddy M, Saikiran Ch. “ORAL HYGIENE PRACTICES AND HABITS AMONG DENTAL STUDENTS AND STAFF IN A DENTAL COLLEGE, INDIA”. Cumhuriyet Dent J.Oct 2012:doi:10.7126/cdj.58140.1008001679:7-13.
- R.Lavanya, R.Sudhakara Reddy , Raj Kumar Badam, Current concepts on oral lichen planus – A Review, Guident;vol 5 , Issue 11, oct 2012:92-94
- T. Ramesh, L.A. Swapna, R. Sudhakara Reddy, M.C. Suresh Sajjan, M.A.K.V. Raju, N. Vijayalaxmi and R. Lavanya. Transtomography – an imaging technique in implant planning – a short study, Biomedicine: 2012; 32(4): 460 – 464.
- N. Vijayalaxmi, R. Sudhakara Reddy, T. Ramesh, N. Saimadhavi, R. Lavanya Reddy, L. A. Swapna. Efficacy of curcumin in treating palatal changes associated with reverse smoking. Archives of Oral Research 2012, 8(1):47-54.
- Jyothirmai Koneru1 Ravikiran Alaparthi, Samatha Yalamanchali, R Sudhakara Reddy, Therapeutic ultrasound – The healing sound and its applications in oral diseases: Journal of orofacial science. The review of literature, 2012 ,4(1) : 3-6.
- Dr.R.Lavanya, Dr.R.Sudhakara reddy, Dr.T.Ramesh, Randomized trial of aloe vera gel versus triamcinolone acetonide ointment in the treatment of oral lichen planus, Quintessence International. Oct 2012 vol 43 , Issue 9:793-800
- R. Sudhakara Reddy, Ch. Sai Kiran, RaghavendraMahadev Naik, K.Ramya, B. Naveen Kumar. ELLIS VAN CREVELD SYNDROME – REPORT OF A RARE CASE; Int J Dent Case Reports 2012; 2(4): 93-97.
- Nimma Vijaylaxmi, Tatpudi Ramesh, Reddy Sudhakara reddy, Rudraraju Rama Krishnam Raju,Reddy Lavanya Reddy, Lingam Amara Swapna. Effects of TENS on whole saliva in healthy adult Indians: Evaluation of influence of protocol on quantity of saliva measured. Cumhuriyet Dent. J 2012:15(3)235-240.
- Reddy Sudhakara Reddy,Nimma Vijaylaxmi, Tatpudi Ramesh, Rudraraju Rama Krishnam Raju,Reddy Lavanya Reddy, Thakur Rajesh Singh. Mood and Mouth. Journal of Dr. N.T.R UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES. 2012;1(2) 106-110)
- R Sudhakara Reddy, Saimadhavi N, T Ramesh, Ch. Saikiran, K Ramya, Ayesha Tabasum D Emerging role of autofluorescence imaging in the diagnosis of pre – malignant lesions and oral cancer, JOOS 2012,4(1):26-29
- Jyothi Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar Tadakamadla, Lingam Amara Swapna, Sudhakar Reddy . Occupational hazards and preventive practices among students and faculty at a private dental institution in India Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 14:28-32, 2012)
- Dr.R.Sudhakara Reddy , Dr.K.Ramya , Dr.T.Ramesh , Dr.G,Subba Rayudu, Dr. N.Sai Madhavi , Dr.CH.Sai Kiran, Photodynamic Therapy In Oral Diseases – Int J Biol Med Res, 2012; 3(2): 1875-1883)
- Dr.R.Sudhakara reddy, Dr.T.Ramesh, Dr.N.Vijaya lakshmi, Dr. R.Lavanya, Dr.L.A.Swapna, Dr.T.Rajesh singh, van der Woude syndrome – A syndromic form of orofacial clefting. J Clin Exp Dent. 2012;4(2):e124-7. Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery (SECIB)
- Dr. R.Sudhakara Reddy , Dr.K.Ramya , Dr. T. Ramesh , Dr.L.A.SWAPNA, SCROFULA IN A YOUNG FEMALE, Int J Dent Case Reports 2012; 2(2): 41-45
- T Rajesh Singh , S Sujatha, T Ramesh, L A Swapna, Raghavendra Mahadev Naik, Ajith Damera. “LEUKEMIA’S- UNMASKING THE DISEASE WITH THE AID OF ORAL MANIFESTATIONS”. International Journal of Dental Case Reports 2011;1(3):29-33.
- Dr.R.Sudhakara reddy, , Dr.L.A.Swapna, Dr.T.Ramesh ,K. Pradeep, Knowledge , Attitude And Practices Towards Hepatitis B Prevention And Transmission – Among Dental Health Care Professionals In India, Braz J Oral Sci. October | December 2011 10(4):241-245
- Dr. R. Sudhakara Reddy, Dr. Saimadhavi.N, Dr. N. Govindraj kumar, Dr. T. Ramesh, Dr. N. Vijaya laxmi, Dr. K. Ramya, Burkitt’s lymphoma- an unusual presentation of a case, International journal of dental CASE REPORTS 2011; 1(3):49-53.
- Dr R. Sudhakara Reddy , L.A. Swapna , T. Ramesh , T.Rajesh Singh , N.Vijayalaxmi , R.Lavanya Bacteria in Oral Health – Probiotics and Prebiotics A Review. Int J Biol Med Res. 2011; 2(4): 1226-1233
- Dr.R.Sudhakara reddy, Dr.L.A.Swapna, Dr.T.Ramesh, , Dr.T.Rajesh singh &koppula pradeep Sod Levels In Smokers And Non-Smokers, Journal Of Investigative And Clinical Dentistry 2011;2: 1-6
- Dr R Sudhakara Reddy, Dr R Lavanya, Dr M Ravikanth, Dr T Ramesh, Classical burkitt’s lymphoma – case report: indian journal of pathology and microbiology vol -54 ;issue-3;jul-sep-2011.
- Shekhar MG,R. sudhakarareddy ,Ravikanth M,Lavanya R,Kumar M, Desmoplastic fibroma of the mandible: case report and review of literature. Prim Dent Care 2011 jul;18(3):115-8
- Dr.R.Sudhakara reddy, Dr.T.Ramesh, Dr.N.Vijaya lakshmi, Dr.L.A.Swapna, Dr.M. Ravikanth, Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma: Distinct Clinicopathological Entity, International Journal Of Dental Case Reports, 2011;1(2);52-60
- Dr.T.Ramesh, Dr.R.Sudhakara reddy Dr. jyothi Sharma, Dr.N.Vijaya lakshmi, Dr. Tenny John. “Gorlin Goltz Syndrome-A Case Report” Journal Of Oral Health Research, vol- 1; issue -4; December 2010
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- Bhupathiraju V, Sajjan GS, Padmaja M:An ex-vivo evaluation of thermal changes in periodontal ligament during the use of Thermoplasticized gutta percha obturating techniques”, Int J Rec Sci Res, 2015;6(5),24-7.
- Mahali RR, Dola B, Tanikonda R, Peddireddi S. Comparative evaluation of tensile strength of Gutta-percha cones with a herbal disinfectant. J Conserv Dent 2015;18:471-3.
- Sagar D, Padmaja M, Sajjan GS, Bhupathiraju V.A comparative study of the clinical effectiveness of three different regimens in the treatment of Dentinal hypersensitivity- An invivo study”, Int Res J Natur Appl Sci, May 2015;2(5),11-5.
- Kumar SS, Rambabu T, Sajjan GS, Sashikanth VS, Lakshmi BH, Detection of second mesiobuccal canal in maxillary first molar with unaided eye, surgical loupes and dental operating microscope:a comparative invivo study. Adv Human Biolo 2015: 5 (3): 43-8.
- Sajjan GS, Mobeena M, Bhupath P, Ravikanth M, Madhuvarma K. “In-vitro Evaluation of Fluoride Release and Caries Inhibition of Glass Ionomer modified with Chlorhexidine Diacetate”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Mar 2015;4(3): 62-75.
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- Sundar S, Madhuvarma K , Satish RK, Sajjan GS, Rambabu T A biological approach in repair of damaged dental pulp and periapical tissues using platelet rich fibrin, mineral trioxide aggregate and laser biostimulation, IJSS Case reports & reviews, Apr 2015: 1(11).44-50.
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- Pachlag A, Sajjan GS: Comparative evaluation of the preparation time of a new non interrupted flat sided design versus protaper hand instruments and conventional instruments, Ind J Res, 2015: 4(5)3-6.
- Bhupathiraju V, Sajjan GS, Padmaja M:An ex-vivo evaluation of thermal changes in periodontal ligament during the use of Thermoplasticized gutta percha obturating techniques”, Int J Rec Sci Res, 2015;6(5),24-7.
- Mahali RR, Dola B, Tanikonda R, Peddireddi S. Comparative evaluation of tensile strength of Gutta-percha cones with a herbal disinfectant. J Conserv Dent 2015;18:471-3.
- Swarupa CH, Sajjan GS, Bhupathiraju VL, Anwarullah A, Sashi Kanth YV. Biologic dentin post for intraradicular rehabilitation of a fractured anterior teeth. , J Cli Dia Res Feb 2014; vol8(2):242-243.
- Madhuvarma K, Jyothi C, Satish RK, Sitaram MK, Sajjan GS. A novel approach for restoration of hemi sectioned mandibular second molar with modified tunnel restoration – a case report, J Cli Dia Res, oct 2014: 8, zd 07-09.
- Sajjan GS, Dwarakanath CD, Prashanthi NVD, Kalyani SS. Necrosis of gingiva and alveolar bone caused by accidental sodium hypochlorite seepage during endodontic treatment. J Interdis Dent, May 2014: 4(2),105-107.
- Binoy D, Sajjan GS, Suresh P, Sitaram MK, Bhavana V, Sitaramraju DVS. A comparitive evaluation of sealing ability, PH and rheological properties of zinc oxide eugeno sealer combined with diffeent antibiotics- An Invitro study, J Cli Dia Res 2014: 8(11)zc005-008.
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- Madhu Varma, Sita Ram Kumar, Girija Sajjan, A comparative evaluation of PH; surface tension and antimicrobial efficacy of Oxum, Vancomycin, Doxorubicin drugs vs. Sodium Hypochlorite – an invitro study. International Poster Journal of Dentistry & Oral Medicine,2011;13(2).
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- Vasavi M, Ramaraju AV, Sajjan MS, Rao DB, Manikyamba YJ, Thorreti VL. An evaluation of the effect of wearing complete dentures on temporomandibular joint vibrations over time using the joint vibration analyzer. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2023 Jan 1;23(1):30-7.
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- Vasavi M, Ramaraju AV, Sajjan MS, Rao DB, Manikyamba YJ, Thorreti VL. An evaluation of the effect of wearing complete dentures on temporomandibular joint vibrations over time using the joint vibration analyzer. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2023 Jan 1;23(1):30-7.
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- Srinivas V, Ramaraju AV, Rama Krishna Alla, Chandrashekaran Nair K, Suresh Sajjan MC, Yenumula J B Manikyamba. Evaluation of dimensional accuracy, flow, and gelation time of 1.0% Chitosan incorporated irreversible hydrocolloid impression material. Euromed Biomed J. 2022;17 (37) 170-174.
- K Chandrasekharan Nair, Pradeep Dathan, Bheemalingeswara Rao, Mohan Kumar T. Role of objectives in Dental Education – A Review. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 2022; 6(2): 88-94.
- Rayavarapu S, Sajjan MCS, Mantena SR, Bheemalingeswara Rao D., Anil B, Prem Sagar Y. Resin-bonded fixed partial denture as a cost-effective prosthesis for missing maxillary lateral incisor in a cleft lip and palate patient: a case report. Int J Dent Mater. 2022; 4(1): 22-25
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- Jampana VVSNR, Bheemalingeswar Rao D, Suresh Sajjan MC, Jithendra Babu P, Rama Raju AV, Manikyamba YJB. The effect of fit-checking material and various subsequent cleaning methods on the wettability of the dentin surface: an invitro study. Int J Dent Mater 2021; 3(1): 16-23.
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- MajjiVasavi, Gurram Vijay Kumar, MC Suresh Sajjan, Rama Raju AV, Bheemalingeswararao D and K Chandrasekharan Nair K, “The Role of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Polymer in Dentistry – A Review”.Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 2021; 5(7): 128-137.
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- Nair K.C., Dathan P, Rao B. Communication Skills during the Pandemic Times. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 2021; 5(9): 160-164.
- Dathan P, Nair K.C., Rao B, Kumar T.M. Skill Training in Prosthodontics – A Report. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 2021; 5(10): 160-164.
- Srilakshmi Kotemsetty, Rama Raju A.V, Suresh Sajjan M.C, Bheemalingeswara Rao D, Yenumula JB Manikyamba, Santhosh Yanda. Comparison Of Linear Dimensional Stability Of Two Elastomeric Bite Registration Materials Following Chemical And Microwave Disinfection – An Invitro Study. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. 2021; 32(3): 24043 – 24053.
- Anusha Yarram, Rama Raju A.V, Suresh Sajjan M.C, Narasimha Rao Guddala, V S Lakshmi Thorreti, P.V. Rajesh Kumar. Evaluation Of Marginal Fit Of Metal Crowns Casted Using Conventional Casting Technique And Accelerated Casting Technique – A Comparative Invitro Study. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. 2021; 32(3): 23997 – 24011.
- Chary NO, Raju MS, Sajjan MC, Gottumukkala S, Manyam R. Comparision of quality of bone and insertion torque values of early implants placed at 6 and 8 weeks in sockets preserved with advanced platelet-rich fibrin: A randomized controlled trial. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2021;21:366-74.
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- Manikyamba YJB, Rama Raju AV, Suresh Sajjan MC, Bhupathi PA, Rao BD, Raju JV. An evaluation of antimicrobial potential of irreversible hydrocolloid impression material incorporated with chitosan. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2020;20:297-303.
- Yarram A, Sajjan M.C.S, Ramaraju A.V., Narasimharao G, Yeleti H. Embouchure Denture: Case Report. International Journal of Scientific Research 2020; 9(7): 14-16.
- Sajjan MC, Eachempati P, Dhall RS, Fulari D, Shigli K, Soe HH. An anthropometric study to evaluate the correlation of vertical dimension at rest and length of thumb: A multi national, multi centre pilot study. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2020;20:402-8.
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- Chaithanya R, Sajjan S, Raju AV. A study of change in occlusal contacts and force dynamics after fixed prosthetic treatment and after equilibration – Using Tekscan III. Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 2019;19(1): 9-19.
- Nair K.C., Rao D.B., Sajjan M.C.S., Kiran G.K., Gajavalli S.U.M., Manasa K. Facial Proportions. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2019; 14(4): 6-8.
- Rao D. B, Nair K.C., Ramaraju A.V., Sajjan M.C.S., Rayavarapu S, Vasavi M. Secrets of Smile. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2019; 14(5): 6-8.
- Ramaraju A.V., Nair K.C., Rao D. B, Sajjan M.C.S., Vasavi M, Rayavarapu S. Dental elements of Smile. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2019; 14(6): 7-9.
- Anusha R, Sajjan MC, Raju AV, Bheemalingeswararao D, Chary NO. Evaluation of the effect of silicone residue after different surface treatments on shear bond strength of glass ionomer cement to the dentin surface. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2019;19(2):126-33.
- Mantena SR. Mohd I, Dev KP, Suresh Sajjan MC, Ramaraju AV, Bheemalingeswara Rao D. Disinfection of Impression Materials: A Comprehensive Review of Disinfection Methods. Int J Dent Mater. 2019; 1(1): 07-16.
- Narasimha Rao G, Pampana S, Yarram A, Suresh Sajjan MC, Ramaraju AV, Bheemalingeswara Rao D. Surface Modifications of Dental Implants: An Overview. Int J Dent Mater. 2019; 1(1): 17-24.
- Vineeth G, Alla RK, Srinivasaraju D, Suresh Sajjan MC, Ramaraju AV, Yeleti H. Casting alloys: The saga of their existence and the recipe of their blend. Int J Dent Mater 2019;1(1):25 – 35.
- Lavanya D, Divya B, Mantena SR, Madhu Varma K, Bheemalingeswara Rao D, Chandrappa V. Recent Advances in Dental Composites: An Overview. Int J Dent Mater 2019; 1(2): 48-54.
- Yarram A, Ramesh KSV, Narasimha Rao G, Yasmeen SA, Suresh Sajjan MC, Ramaraju AV. Corrosion in Titanium dental implants – a review. Int J Dent Mater 2019;1(3): 72-78.
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- Gautami S Penmetsa, Praveen Gadde, Zabirunnisa Begum, Narendra Mandalapu, AV Ramaraju. Assessment of periodontal knowledge among residents of West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, India: A descriptive epidemiological survey. Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences.2018; 7:1:39-43.
- Jonnalagadda BD, Gottumukkala SN, Dwarakanath CD, Koneru S. Effect of diode laser-assisted flap surgery on postoperative healing and clinical parameters: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Contemporary clinical dentistry 2018; 9:205-12.
- Dubba Kavyamala, N. V. S. Sruthima G, C. D. Dwarakanath, M. Anudeep. Evaluation of the Efficacy of a 1:1 Mixture of β-TCP and rhPDGF-BB in the Surgical Management of Two- and Three-Wall Intraosseous Defects: A Prospective Clinical Trial. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2019;39(1):107-113.
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- Praveen Gadde, Gautami Subhadra Penmetsa, and Keerthana Rayalla. Do dental research journals publish only positive results? A retrospective assessment of publication bias. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology.2018;22(4): 294-297.
- Gautami S. Penmetsa, K. Meghana, P. Bhavana, M.Venkata Lakshmi, Vivek Bypalli, B.Lakshmi. Awareness, Attitude, and knowledge regarding oral health among pregnant women : A comparative study. Nigerian medical journal. Niger Med J. 2018 Nov-Dec; 59(6): 70–73
- Suresh Sajjan MC, Yekula PS, Kovvuri SS, Venkata Alluri RR. A simple technique for fabrication of a surgical guide for predictable placement of dental implants. J Dent Implant 2017;7:11-4.
- Santhosh Yanda and Suresh Sajjan. Evaluation of Changes in Occlusal Force Distribution and Peak Ratio of Complete Denture Occlusion at Insertion and One Week of Post Insertion Phase Using T -Scan 8. SciTz Dent Res Ther. 2017; 2(1): 1009.
- Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr Satyanarayana Raju, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr B. Poojitha, Dr Irfan Mohammed, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair. Making of an Alginate impression. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 13(3): 18-22.
- Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr Srikanth, Dr Vudi Srinivas, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair. Impressions in Fixed Prosthodontics. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 13(2): 24-28.
- Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr Alluri Naga Swapnika, Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr Anusha Yarram, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan. Manipulation of the commonly used gypsum products. Indian Dentist Research and Review, October 2017;13(1): 18-21.
- Singh I, Nair KC, Shetty J. Effect of joining the sectioned implant-supported prosthesis on the peri-implant strain generated in simulated mandibular model. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2017; 17: 388-94.
- Dr Prem Sagar Y, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr Yenumula J B Manikyamba, Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan. A simple method of preparing tooth to receive a full crown. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 12(12): 30-34.
- Nair KC, Rao B, Aswinikumar, Dathan P, Murukan PA. Polishing of newer ceramics. Journal of IDA Attingal Branch, 2017; 7(3): 83-86.
- Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr Suryateja Rentala, Dr Narasimha Rao G, Dr AV Rama Raju. Provisionals for fixed prosthesis. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 12(11): 30-34.
- Pal H, Nair KC, Sinha S. Effect of cast Co-Cr and acetal resin removable clasp on the surface of enamel. J Interdiscip Dentistry 2017; 7: 60-4.
- Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr Kameswari Chembrolu, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan, Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr Venkata Rajesh kumar P. Guiding flange appliance. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 12(10): 26-29.
- Binsu S, Nair KC, Jhon B, Nayar S, Julian J, Shahid M. Ultrasonic evaluation of influence of hard acrylic resin denture on blood flow of mandibular denture supporting mucosa utilizing duplex color Doppler studies: An in vivo study. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2017; 17: 289-94.
- Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr Aneem Baig, Dr Satyanarayana Raju, Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan. Boxing of an impression. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 12(9): 22-25.
- Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr Vallabhaneni Sindhu, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan, Dr Anusha Yarram. Palatal ramp appliance. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 12(8): 24-27.
- Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr Pradeep Dathan, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao. Home care of Implants. The DentCare, 2017; 4: 10-11.
- Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr Kommana Satya Meghana, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr Sudheer Kondaka, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan. Processing of an acrylic denture. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 12(7): 26-29.
- Chidagam PRLV, Gande VC, Yadlapalli S, Venkata RY, Kondaka S, Chedalawada S. Immediate Versus Delayed Loading of Implant for Replacement of Missing Mandibular First Molar: A Randomized Prospective Six Years Clinical Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017; 11(4): ZC35-ZC39.
- Lovely M, Gopal D, Kumar V, Nair KC, George BT. A Custom Made Implant Supported Auricular Prosthesis Designed by Rapid Prototyping for Compromised Bone Support: A Case Report. The Journal of Implant & Advanced Clinical Dentistry. March 2017; 9(3): 6-11.
- Dr D Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr K Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr K Satya Meghana, Dr Prem Sagar Y, Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan. Waxing up, carving and flasking of dentures. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 12(6): 24-28.
- Nair KC, Dathan PC, Rao B. Some factors that affect dental implant treatment. Journal of IDA Attingal Branch, 2017; 7(1): 7-9.
- Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr Akkottilam Malya, Dr R.Chaitanya, Dr AV Rama Raju. Denture marker. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 12(5): 26-30.
- Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr Srilakshmi Kotamsetty, Dr Vineeth, Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan. Orbital prosthesis- laboratory steps. Indian Dentist Research and Review, 2017; 12(4): 22-26.
- Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan, Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr M. Satyanarayana Raju. Relationship of edentulism and dentures to oral and general health. Journal of IDA Attingal branch, 2017; 7(4):119-120.
- Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr Pradeep Dathan, Dr T. Mohan kumar, Dr P.A.Murukan. A Compilation on Thesis / Dissertation. Trends in Prosthodontics and Dental Implantology. 2017; 8(1and2): 3-10.
- Dr Yenumula YJB Manikyamba, Dr M.C.Suresh Sajjan, Dr AV Rama Raju, Dr D. Bheemalingeswara Rao, Dr K. Chandrasekharan Nair. Implant thread designs: An overview. Trends in Prosthodontics and Dental Implantology. 2017; 8(1and2): 11-19.
- Piplani A, Suresh Sajjan MC, Ramaraju AV, Tanwani T, Sushma G, Ganathipathi G, et al. An in-vitro study to compare the temperature rise in the pulp chamber by direct method using three different provisional restorative materials. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2016;16(1):36-41.
- Shigli K, Agrawal N, Nair C, Sajjan S, Kakodkar P, Hebbal M. Use of PowerPoint presentation as a teaching tool for undergraduate students in the subject of Gerodontology. J Indian ProsthodontSoc. 2016;16(2):187-92.
- Chandrasekharan Nair K., D.BheemalingeswaraRao, A.V.RamaRaju, M.C. Suresh Sajjan. A simplified method of making impressions of compromised mandibular edentulous arches. Indian Dentist Research and Review. 2016; 11(6): 10-15.
- A.V.RamaRaju, Chandrasekharan Nair K., D.BheemalingeswaraRao, Akkottillam Malya, Yenumula J.B. Manikyamba, M.C. Suresh Sajjan. Denture Duplication. Indian Dentist Research and Review. 2016; 11(8): 16-20.
- D.BheemalingeswaraRao, Chandrasekharan Nair K., JVVSN Raju, Kamarapu Bharat Chandra, A.V.RamaRaju, M.C. Suresh Sajjan. A precise technique of incorporating short duration resilient liner to mandibular denture. Indian Dentist Research and Review. 2016; 11(7): 10-14.
- AnushaYarram, D.BheemalingeswaraRao, NarasimhaRao G., SrinivasaRaju D., M.C. Suresh Sajjan, A.V.RamaRaju. An overview on dry mouth. Trends in Prosthodontics and Dental Implantology. 2016; 7(1):14-20.
- NarasimhaRao G., D.BheemalingeswaraRao, AnushaYarram, JithendraBabu P., M.C. Suresh Sajjan, A.V.RamaRaju. Luting agents for cementation of implant supported prosthesis: An overview.Trends in Prosthodontics and Dental Implantology. 2016; 7(1):3-8.
- SatyanarayanaRaju Mantena, M.A.K.V. Raju, Sruthima NVS Gottumukkala, D.BheemalingeswaraRao, M.C. Suresh Sajjan, A.V. RamaRaju. Sinus elevation – A promising technique for augmenting posterior maxilla. Trends in Prosthodontics and Dental Implantology. 2016; 7(1):9-13.
- Chandrasekharan Nair K., D.BheemalingeswaraRao, R. Avinash, C. Kameswari, Om Brahma Prasad Chary. N, A.V. Ramaraju. A simple method of making an auricular prosthesis. Indian Dentist Research and Review. 2016; 11(11): 42-4.
- D.Bheemalingeswara Rao, Chandrasekharan Nair K., Y. Sri Santhosh, K.S. Meghana, A.V. Ramaraju, Suresh Sajjan. Processing of an acrylic partial denture with wrought wire clasps. Indian Dentist Research and Review. 2016; 11(10): 10-15.
- Dathan PC, Kumar TM, Ravindran S, Nair KC, Kumar A. Prosthetic rehabilitation of lower limb with RTV silicone using Prosthodontic clinical and laboratory techniques. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 2016; 10(8); ZD35-37.
- AV Rama Raju, K Chandrasekharan Nair, D Bheemalingeswara Rao, Prashanthi Subrahmayam, R Anusha, MC Suresh Sajjan. Palatal seal through precise impression. Indian Dentist Research and Review. 2016; 11(12): 36-41.
- MC Suresh Sajjan, K Chandrasekharan Nair, D Bheemalingeswara Rao, V Sindhu, K Srilakshmi, AV Rama Raju. Fractured denture and its re-processing. Indian Dentist Research and Review. 2016; 11(9): 28-33.
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- Konathala RSV, Gottumukkala S, Mohan KP, Pasupuleti S, Anusha B, PenmetsaG, Vinnakota K.Impact of Periodontal Disease on Sleep Quality and Oral Health-related Quality of Life.Meandros Med Dent J 2023;24(4):274-279
- Penmetsa GS,Karuturi L, Pasupuleti MK, Inti S,Gangolu M, Mikkili RL. Evaluation of Comfort Levels of Patient and Ergonomics of the Dental Surgeon during Manual Scaling under Both Proprioceptive Derivative Concept and Conventional Approach: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Dec, Vol-17(12): ZC49-ZC54.
- Pasupuleti, M., Ganesh, K., Penmetsa, G., Anusha, B., Narukurthi, H., & Mouna Sahith, K. Comparison and Assessment of Design, Handling Characteristics, and Efficacy of Hand Instruments in Calculus Removal. J Dent Indones. 2023;30(3): 171-179.
- Penmetsa GS, Meghana G,Kumar P M.,Sruthima NVS, KSV Ramesh, Kondapally M. Comparison of Propolis Containing Dentifrice Versus Commercially Available Dentifrice in Gingivitis Treatment: A Randomized Double-Blinded Clinical Trial. Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy.2023; 11(4), 329-334.
- Penmetsa GS, Karuturi L, Sruthima GNVS, Ramaraju AV, Mikkili R, Kondapalli M, Inti S, Vundavalli S. Gingival Depigmentation by Application of Diode Laser at 810 nm (Denlase) and 470 nm (Bluelase) Wavelengths: A Split-mouth Randomised Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Oct, Vol-17(10): ZC44-ZC48.
- Ramesh KSV, Anusha B, Sruthima GNVS, et al. Antibiotics in Periodontal Disease Management among Periodontists and Non periodontists in South India; the Value of Continuing Education in Dentistry: A Cross-sectional Study. World J Dent 2023;14(8):716–721.
- Pasupuleti, M.K., Kumar K, P., Tejaswini K, S., Penmetsa, G.S., Sruthıme, N. and Ramesh, K. Attitude, Knowledge and Practice Towards Oral Hygiene Among Dental Students and Associated Groups of Institution During COVID-19. Int J Disabil Sports Health Sci;2023;6(3):466-474.
- Anusha B, Latha VLS, Sruthima NVSG, PenmetsaGS, Ramesh KSV, Kumar PM. Clinical Evaluation of Pro-Argin and Low Level Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Dentinal Hypersensitivity: A Splitmouth Randomised Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Aug, Vol-17(8): ZC34-ZC37.
- Penmetsa GS, Pasupulet MK, Ramesh KSV,et al. Assessment of Periodontal Examination and Diagnostic Skills through Objective Structured Clinical Examination: An Observational Assessment Tool. World J Dent 2023;14(7):592–597.
- Patnaik BB, Penmetsa GS,Raju MS, Haripriya N, Gera D, Ramesh KSV. Peri-implant mucosal enhancement using leukocyte platelet rich fibrin under Sohn’s poncho technique: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Adv Periodontics. 2023;1-8.
- Devi PK, Penmetsa GS, Pasupuleti MK, Gottumukkala NVSS, Ramesh KSV, Baipalli V. Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel Technique in the Treatment of Multiple Gingival Recessions Associated with and without Non Carious Cervical Lesions- A Prospective Clinical Study.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Jul, Vol-17(7): ZC05-ZC10
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- Penmetsa GS,Vundavalli S, Anusha B, Raju MAKV, Sruthima NVS, Veluri S, Priya NH, Patnaik B.Treatment of Dentinal Hypersensitivity with Diode Laser of Two Different WavelengthsA Randomised Clinical Trial.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Jun, Vol-17(6): ZC25-ZC28
- Gottumukkala NVSG, Ramesh KSV, Raju MS, Praveen G, Penmetsa GS. Peri-Operative Hemodynamic Changes and Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Surgical and LASER Assisted Periodontal Therapies- A Randomised Clinical Trial, Cumhuriyet Dental Journal.2023; 26(2): 120-126.
- Pasupulet, MK., Lakshmi, PDN., Koneru, J., Pichika, S., Varma, PVK. and Amulya, KS. Assessment of Impact of new work postures adaptations of dentists on musculoskeletal discomfort by RULA and QEC. Int J Disabil Sports Health Sci;2023;6(2):161-170.
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- Ramesh KSV, Mohana K, Gottumukkala SNVS et al. Comparison of the Efficacy of 2% Buffered Lignocaine with 2% Lignocaine in Periodontal Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Study. World J Dent 2023;14(2):145–148
- Gottumukkala SN, Ramesh KS, Mantena SR, Anusha B, Pasupuleti MK, Penmetsa GS. Awareness and Pragmatic Use of Respirators among Dental Healthcare Professionals during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study. World J Dent 2023; 14 (1):47-51
- Penmetsa GS, Patnaik BB, Ramesh MV, Ramesh KS, Vinnakota K, Vundavalli S. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of teledentistry in periodontal diagnosis: Is it the required upgrade to conventional periodontics? J Indian Soc Periodontol 2023;27:195-200
- Narukurthi H, Pasupuleti MK, PenmetsaGS , Sruthima NVSG , Ramesh KS , Vinnakota K , Sravanthi V , Gera D. Comparison of Non Surgical Periodontal Treatment Outcome and Clinician’s Comfort Levels using LM ErgoMax over Hu-Friedy Hand Instruments-A Randomised Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Feb, Vol-17(2): ZC46-ZC51
- Pasupuleti MK, Nagate RR, Alqahtani SM, Penmetsa GS, Gottumukkala SNVS, Ramesh KSV. Role of medicinal herbs in periodontal therapy: A systematic review. J Int Soc Prevent Communit Dent 2023;13:9-16
- Penmetsa GS, Vundavalli S, Boddeda A, Sruthima NV, Veluri SV, Praveen G. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of oral hygiene aids and its role in the prevention of COVID‑19 transmission: A hospital‑based questionnaire study. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2023;21:44-8.
- Vamsi E. Santosh, Ramesh S.V. Konathala, Gautami S. Penmetsa, Sruthima N.V.S. Gottumukkala, Mohan K. Pasupuleti, Vintha Jaswitha. Electromyographic evaluation of masseter and temporalis muscle activity after periodontal surgery: A prospective clinical trial. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences. 2023;18(2):356-365.
- Bhavana P, Gottumukkala SN, Penmetsa SG, Ramesh KS, Kumar PM, Meghana KM. Clinical evaluation of periosteal pedicle flap in the treatment of gingival recessions for esthetic root coverage: Arandomized controlled clinical trial. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2023;- Volume 27, Issue 1;76-81
- Mani LP, Gautami PS, Sruthima NV, Ramesh KS, Bypalli V, Rani KR. Comparative evaluation of root coverage with amniotic membrane under macrosurgical and microsurgical approach: A prospective clinical trial. J Int Clin Dent Res Organ 2022;14:126-34
- Hari Priya N, Mohan Kumar P, Keerthi V, Penmetsa G S, Nvs Sruthima G, Ramesh K, Role of biologic modifiers in periodontal regeneration- A review. IP Int J Periodontol Implantol 2022;7(4):145-149
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- Gangolu M, Pasupuleti MK, Penmetsa GS, Gottumukkala NVSG, Konathala SVR, Balivada BP, Karuturi L. Comparison of Laser-assisted and Conventional Flap Surgery with Hydroxyapatite Crystals in the Treatment of Intrabony Defects under Magnification- A Randomised Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2022 Nov, Vol-16(11): ZC20-ZC26
- Keerthana R, Satya Sruthima GN, Gautami PS, Mantena SR, Ramesh KS, Pasupuleti MK. Optimizing dimensional changes of soft tissue in alveolar ridge preservation using rotational palatal pedicle flap in posterior maxilla – A randomized controlled clinical trial. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2022;26:557-63
- Praveen G, Pasupuleti MK, Penmetsa GS,Nagisetti H, Indukuri SD, Akkaloori A. Systematic reviews in dental research: A bibliometric analysis of contribution from Indian dentists during 1948–2022. J Int Soc Prevent Communit Dent 2022;12:571-6.
- Mohan Kumar Pasupuleti, Supraja Salwaji, Venkata Ramesh Manumanthu, Ananda Babu Beeraboina, Vijay Kumar Gurram, Spandana Cheeli. Knowledge and perception regarding oral manifestations of COVID-19 among the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Vishnu Dental College—a questionnaire based study. Front Oral Maxillofac Med 2022 |
- Mamidi AR, Gottumukkala SN, Mantena SR, Penmetsa GS, Ramesh KS, Pasupuleti MK. Comparison of clinical and radiological outcomes using crestal approach sinus kit and piezoelectric surgery for sinus membrane elevation: A prospective clinical trial. Dent.Res J 2022;19:88
- Swathi S, Gottumukkala SNVS, Ramesh KSV, Penmetsa GS, Dwarakanath CD, Bypalli V. Periodontal status of mandibular second molar after extraction of impacted mandibular third molars- a prospective clinical trial. Eur Oral Res 2022; 56(3): x-x. DOI: 10.26650/eor.2022992668
- Chaitanya PK, Penmetsa GS, Gottumukkala SNVS, Ramesh KSV, Kumar PM, Meghana KM. Evaluation of Clinical and Microbiological Outcomes of Photodynamic Therapy-assisted Flap Surgery in Stages II and III, with Grades B and C Periodontitis: A Prospective Clinical Trial. World J Dent 2022;13(S-1):S66–S71.
- Lakshmi MR, Gottumukkala SNVS, Penmetsa GS, Ramesh KSV, Kumar PM, Vamsi ES, Mounica MB. Clinical outcomes of root coverage using porcine-derived collagen matrix with modified coronally advanced tunnel technique (MCAT) in multiple gingival recessions in smokers – a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2022 Sep 4
- Sruthima Naga Venkata Satya Gottumukkala, Chaitanya A., Ramesh Konathala Santhosh Venkata, Gautami S. Penmetsa, Suneetha Koneru, Swetha Pasupuleti.Estimation of Salivary Neopterin Levels in Aggressive and Chronic Periodontitis After Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy: A Cohort Study. Journal of Advanced Oral Research. 2022;13(2)
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- Pasupuleti MK, Penmetsa GS, Gottumukkala SN, Vintha J, Santosh Vamsi E, Meghana G. Emotional Health Status of Postgraduate Students of Periodontics in India During COVID Health Crisis—A Questionnaire-Based Study. Journal of Patient Experience. January 2021;8:1-7
- Dr. M. Aishwarya Ratna, Dr. Gautami S Penmetsa, Dr. Divya Vinaya, Dr. Venkata Lakshmi, Dr. Kranti Konuganti, Dr. Ravi Varma M.Comparative Evaluation Of Co-Enzyme Q10 Mouthwash And Chlorhexidine Mouthwash In The Treatment Of Gingivitis. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 6044-6054
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- Mohan Kumar Pasupuleti, Gautami Subhadra Penmetsa, Meghana Gangolu, Santosh Venkata Ramesh Konathala, Sruthima Naga Venkata Satya. Role of Communication, Professionalism, and Clinical Care Skills of Postgraduate Students on Patients Recall Visits in Dental School—An Observational Study. Journal of Patient Experience.2020;1-5.
- Penmetsa GS,Mopidevi A, Ramaraju V, Ramachandran R, Ramesh MV. Role of Orthoboon (glucosamine sulfate + collagen + Vitamin C): A novel host-modulating agent in the management of chronic periodontitis. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2020;24:428-32.
- Gautami. S. Penmetsa, Bhavana. P, Arunbhupati. P, Meghana. K, Kausalya. P, Venkatalakshmi. M. Comparative Evaluation of the Clinical efficacy of 3% Satranidazole and 1% Ornidazole (OrnigreatTM) gel through local drug delivery system in the treatment of Chronic periodontitis. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(8):3675-3680.
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- Subbareddy BV, Gautami PS, Dwarakanath CD, Devi PK, Bhavana P, Radharani K. Vestibular incision sub-periosteal tunnel access technique with platelet-rich fibrin compared to sub-epithelial connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Contemp Clin Dent 2020;11:249-55.
- Penmetsa GS, Bhaskar RU, Mopidevi A. Analysis of plasma homocysteine levels in patients with chronic periodontitis before and after nonsurgical periodontal therapy using high performance liquid chromatography. Contemp Clin Dent 2020;11:266-73.
- Mohana Kondapally, Ramesh KSV, Sruthima NVS, Gautami S Penmetsa, P. Mohan kumar, Meghana Gangolu. C-Reactive Protein and Periodontal Disease – A Review. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2020; 7:1664-1670.
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- Gautami S. Penmetsa, Pasagadugula Seethalakshmi. Effect of Stress, Depression, and Anxiety over Periodontal Health Indicators among Health Professional Students. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 2019; 17 (1):36-40.
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- Penmetsa GS, Vivek B, Bhupathi AP, Sudha Rani P, Subbareddy BV, Ramesh MV. Comparative Evaluation of Triphala, Aloe vera, and chlorhexidine mouthwash on gingivitis: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Contemp Clin Dent 2019;10:333-7.
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- Gautami S. Penmetsa, K. Meghana, P. Bhavana, M.Venkata Lakshmi, Vivek Bypalli, B.Lakshmi. Awareness, Attitude, and knowledge regarding oral health among pregnant women : A comparative study. Nigerian medical journal. Niger Med J. 2018 Nov-Dec; 59(6): 70–73
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- Praveen Gadde, Gautami Subhadra Penmetsa, and Keerthana Rayalla. Do dental research journals publish only positive results? A retrospective assessment of publication bias. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology.2018;22(4): 294-297.
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- Krishna Sravan Mangipudi, VV SN Raju Jampana, Sumeet Sharma, Jyothi Atla, Rama Krishna Alla, Sruthi Redd y Marthala. Evaluation of Elastic Recovery of Elastomeric Impression Materials Subjected to Various Disinfection Methods: An In-vitro Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2024; 18(8): ZC06-ZC11.
- Alla RK, Konakanchi A, Nallakunta R, Ramaraju A. V., Suresh Sajjan M. C., Mantena SR. The Zebrafish (Danio rerio): A Dynamic Model Organism for Scientific Research. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology. 2024;45(15):526-40.
- Chakravarthy KK, Brahmanandam PS, Uma G, Potukuchi DM, Rao NS, Kumar GA, Alla AR. Toxicity Associated with Gold Nanoparticles: A Review. Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs. 2024 Jun 15;38(2):121-7.
- Alla RK, Swamy KNR, Vyas R, Guduri V, Tiruveedula NBP, Rao GN. Effect of silver nanoparticles incorporation on impact strength of Heat-cure denture base resins. Int J Dent Mater. 2023;5(4):99-103.
- Alla RK, Sanka GS, Saridena US, AV R, MAKV R, Mantena SR. Fiber-Reinforced Composites in Dentistry: Enhancing structural integrity and aesthetic appeal. International Journal of Dental Materials. 2023; 5(3):78-85.
- Duvvuri SNR, Arafath MM, Alla RK, Rajasigamani K, Bhaskar V, Kumaran K. Effect of Various Concentrations of Zirconia and Alumina Nanoparticles on Shear Bond Strength of Different Orthodontic Composites: An In Vitro Study. J Res Adv Dent 2023;14(6):1-6.
- Anumula L, Ramesh S, Kolaparthi VS, Alla RK, Govula K. Influence of two natural cross-linkers on microtensile bond strength durability–An in vitro study. Brazilian Dental Science. 2023 Nov 1;26(4):e3869.
- Alla RK, Sarangi S, Ganta GK, Abusua F. Photodynamic therapy: a distinct therapeutic modality. Int J Dent Mater. 2023;5(2):52-61.
- Sowmya S, Albuquerque LA, Swamy KR, Alla RK, Krishna GG, Rudraswamy S. Interrelated Association between Edentulism, Cognitive Decline and Prosthodontic Rehabilitation: A Review. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 2023 Jun 22;44(12):27-33.
- Varma PV, Krishna GG, Alla RK, Sowmya S, Swamy KR, Malkapuram RS. Calcium Hydroxide Pulp Capping Agent: An Overview on Composition, Properties, and Clinical Applications. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 2023 Jun 6;44(10):63-72.
- Malkapuram RS, Tanikonda R, Gosala BM, Alla RK. Analysis of Multiple Usages of Protaper Rotary Instruments before Initial Signs of Failure: An In-vitro Study. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 2023 Apr 20:33-7.
- Ganta GK, Cheruvu K, Alla RK, Ravada SU, Ramana V. Aligners: Hybrid Approach Suggestions to Increase the Success Rate. Scientific Archives Of Dental Sciences. 2023;6(4):8-20.
- Ponnapalli SV, Robbi K, Alla RK, Majji V, Medicharla UD, AV R, MC SS. Evaluation of physico-mechanical properties of dental plaster modified with pulverized acrylic waste. International Journal of Dental Materials. 2023 Apr 10;5(1):1-8.
- Alla RK, Medicharla UD, Shammas M, Abusua F, Arun Bhupathi P, Madhu Varma K. An update on Cention N: An aesthetic direct bulk-fill restorative material. International Journal of Dental Materials. 2023 Apr 10;5(1):17-21.
- Malkapuram RS, Rambabu T, Sridevi M, Alla RK. Effect of Blood and Synthetic Tissue Fluid on Marginal Adaptation and Surface Microstructure of Different Root-end Filling Materials: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 2023 Mar 22:66-74.
- Duvvuri SR, Arafath MM, Alla RK, Bhaskar V, Kumaran K. Evaluation of the Shear Bond Strength of the Orthodontic Composites Modified with Various Concentrations of TiO2 Nanoparticles: An In vitro Study. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 2023 Jan 30;44(1):88-94.
- Aradya A, Dhakshaini M R, Swamy K N R, Chowdhary R, Ranganatha N, Alla R K. Knowledge, Awareness, Attitude and Behaviour about Prosthodontic Treatment for Missing Teeth among Indian Population: A Cross Sectional Study. UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 2023 44(1), 44-55.
- Saridena US, Sanka GS, Alla RK, AV R, MC SS, Mantena SR. An Overview of Advances In Glass Ionomer Cements. International Journal of Dental Materials. 2022 Dec 31;4(4):89-94.
- Jaiswal S, Pusarapu K, Alla RK, Guduri V, AV R, MC SS. Solubility of Glass Ionomer Cement in Various Acidic Beverages at Different Time Intervals: An in vitro Study. Int J Dent Mater. 2022 Dec 31;4(3):78-81.
- Ganta GK, Cheruvu K, Alla RK, Ravada SUS. Implant Materials: Topography and Their Influence in Osseointegration. J Dental Sci 2022, 7(2): 1-5.
- Sowmya S, Swamy KN, Vardhini H, Ram K, Alla RK, Aradya A. Effect of Microwave Sterilisation on the Dimensional Property of Complete Denture: A Review. Trends in Biomaterials & Artificial Organs. 2022;36(1): 54-57.
- Gopala Krishna Ganta, Rama Krishna Alla, Kamala Cheruvu, Bharathi Ram Guduri. Bone Grafts: An Overview of Bone Remodeling, Types and Recent Advances. Res J Pharm Tech. 2021;14(11):6103-6107.
- Kadali NS, Alla RK, Ramaraju A, Sajjan SM, Mantena SR, Raju RV. An overview of composition, properties, and applications of Biodentine. Int J Dent Mater. 2021;3(4):120-6.
- Anupreeta A, Konagala RK, Alla RK, Lingam AS, Koppolu P, Kumar VM. An Insight into the Nanoleakage Enigma: Causative Factors, Minimizing Nanoleakage and Stabilization of Hybrid Layer Effect of Nanoleakage on Bond Degradation. Trends in Biomaterials & Artificial Organs. 2021 Aug 3;35(3):296-302.
- Samarla AK, Alla K, Bolisetty D, Bali Y, Balehonnur P, Kandasamy B. The comparison of surface hardness, water sorption and staining resistance between thermoplastic nylon and heat-cured acrylic resin. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES. 2021 Mar 5;7(1).
- Alla RK, Guduri V, Tiruveedula NB, KN RS, Vyas R. Effect of silver nanoparticles incorporation on microhardness of Heat-cure denture base resins. Alla RK, Guduri V, Tiruveedula NBP, Narasimha Rao G, Swamy KNR, Vyas R. Effect of silver nanoparticles incorporation on microhardness of Heat-cure denture base resins. Int J Dent Mater. 2020 Dec 29;2(4):103-10.
- Alla RK, Guduri V, Rao SP, Sajjan S, Ramaraju AV. Self-sealing resin fixators in dentistry. International Journal of Dental Materials. 2020 May 31;2(2):60-8.
- Brahmanandam PS, Chakravarthy KK, Raju GR, Rao NS, Satyavani M, Kumar VN, Alla RK, Kadiyala KG, Vinay P, Rao C, Narsaiah EL. Feasible Solutions and Role of Nanomaterials in Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Preliminary Study. Trends in Biomaterials & Artificial Organs. 2020 Jul 3;34.
- Kadali NS, Alla RK, Guduri V, Ramaraju AV, Sajjan S, Rudraraju VR. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: an overview of composition, properties and clinical applications. International Journal of Dental Materials. 2020 Mar 9;2(1):11-8.
- Alla RK, Vineeth G, Kandi V, Swamy KNR, Vyas R, Narasimha Rao G. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of heat-cure denture base resin materials incorporated with silver nanoparticles. Int J Dent Mater 2019;1(2): 40 – 47.
- Navyasri K, Alla RK, Vineeth G, Suresh Sajjan MC. An overview of dentin bonding agents. Int J Dent Mater 2019; 1(2): 60-67.
- Alaghari S, Velagala S, Alla RK, Ramaraju AV. Advances in alginate impression materials: a review. Int J Dent Mater 2019; 1(2): 55-59.
- Rama Krishna Alla, Raghavendra Swamy KN, Ritu Vyas, Prakash Tiruveedula NB, Alluri Murali Krishnam Raju, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Heat-activated Acrylic Denture Base Resin Materials, Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2018; 11(6): 2258-2262.
- Kishore Ginjupalli, Rama Krishna Alla, Tushar Shaw, Chaitanya Tellapragada, Lokendra Kumar Gupta, Nagaraja Upadhya P, Comparative evaluation of efficacy of Zinc oxide and Copper oxide nanoparticles as antimicrobial additives in alginate impression materials, Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 16258–16266.
- Kishore Ginjupalli, Tushar Shaw, Chaitanya Tellapragad, Rama Krishna Alla, Lokendra Gupta, Nagaraja Upadhya Perampalli, Does the size matter? Evaluation of effect of incorporation of silver nanoparticles of varying particle size on the antimicrobial activity and properties of irreversible hydrocolloid impression material, Dental Materials, 2018; 34: e158-e165.
- Raghavendra Swamy KN, Rama Krishna Alla, Shammas Mohammed, Anusha Konakanchi, The Role of Antifungal Agents in Treating Denture Stomatitis, Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2018; 11(4): 1365 – 1369.
- Anusha Konakanchi, Rama Krishna Alla, Vineeth Guduri, Silane Coupling Agents – Benevolent Binders in Composites, Trends Biomater. Artif. Organs, 2017; 31(3): 102-107.
- S. Aruna Kumari, R. Narendra, P. Sesha Reddy, Sasideepth Reddy, Uma K.C., Rama Krishna Alla, Anusha Konakanchi, Evaluation and Comparison of Flexural Strength of Conventional Heat Cured Denture Base Polymers with Nylon Denture Base Polymers – An In-Vitro Study, Trends Biomater Artif Organs, 2017; 31(1): 29-32.
- Rama Krishna Alla, Swamy KNR, Vyas R, Konakanchi A, Guduri V, Gadde P, Influence of silver nanoparticles incorporation on the flexural strength of Heat-cure Acrylic Denture base Resin Materials, ARRB 2017;17(4): 1-8.
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- RK Alla, Swamy KNR, Ritu Vyas, Konakanchi A, Conventional & Contemporary Polymers used for fabrication of Denture Prosthesis: Part I – Overview of Composition, Setting and Properties, Int J App Dent Sci., 2015; 1(4): 82-89.
- Parson Paul, S. N. Reddy Duvvuri, RK Alla, K. Rajasigamani, Chidambaram, “Evaluation of Shear Bond Strength of Stainless Steel Brackets Bonded to Ceramic Crowns Etched with Er; Cr: YSGG Laser and Hydrofluoric Acid: An In vitro Study”, British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 2015;7(7): 550-560
- S. K. Shakeel, RK Alla, Shammas Mohammed and Tajammul Ahmed, “Evaluation and Comparison of the Transverse Strength of Two Heat Cure Denture Base Resins Repaired with Auto Polymerizing Resin by Wetting with Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) at Different Time Intervals – An In Vitro Study”, British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 2015; 7(4): 263-271, 2015.
- Sita Ramaraju DV, RK Alla, Venkata Ramaraju Alluri, Raju MAKV, A Review of Conventional and Contemporary Luting Agents Used in Dentistry, Am J Mater Sci Eng, 2014;2(3):28-35.
- Gudapati S., Jagadish H.G., RK Alla, Suresh Sajjan MC, Ramya K, Naveen D, Evaluation and comparision of marginal fit of provisional restoration fabricated using light cure acrylic resin with other commercially available temporary crown resin materials, Trends Biomater. Artif Organs, 2014; 28(2):47-51 (Impact factor: 0.675).
- Ramesh KSV, Swetha P, Krishnan V, Mythili R, RK Alla, Manikandan D, Assessment of Thickness of Palatal Masticatory Mucosa and Maximum Graft Dimensions at Palatal Vault Associated with Age and Gender – A Clinical Study, J Clinical and Diagnos Res, 2014; 8(5): ZC09-ZC13 PMID:24995235).
- Ravichandra Sekhar Kotha, RK Alla, Mohammed Shammas, Rama Krishna Ravi, An Overview of Orthodontic Wires, Trends Biomater. Artif Organs, 2014; 28(1): 32-36.
- RK Ravi, RK Alla, Mohammed Shammas, Achut Devarhubli, Dental Composite – A Versatile Restorative Material: An Overview, Ind J Dent Sci., 2013; 5(5): 111-115.
- RK Ravi, RK Alla, Mohammed Shammas, Ramesh KSV, Non-Carious Lesions Due to Tooth Surface Loss: A Review, Dental Era – A Journal of Dentistry, 2013; 3(3): 35-40
- Shammas Mohammed, RK Alla, Achut Devarhubli, Shakeel SK, “Changes In Vertical dimensions Of Complete Denture Bases due to Rebasing With Different Techniques”, World Journal of Dentistry 2013; 4(2): 71 – 76.
- Shammas Mohammed, RK Alla, Achut Devarhubli, Sunil Kumar M V, “Changes In Fit Of Denture Bases After Rebasing With Different Techniques”, Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society, Supple 2013; 71 – 76
- RK Alla, Suresh Sajjan MC, Ramaraju AV, Kishore Ginjupalli, Nagaraj Upadhya, “Influence of Fiber Reinforcement on the Properties Of Denture Base Resins”, Journal of Biomaterials and NanoBiotechnology 2013; 4(1): 91 – 97. (Impact factor: 0.44).
- Sulekha S Gosavi, Siddharth Y Gosavi, RK Alla, “Titanium – A Miracle Metal In Dentistry”, Trends Biomater. Artif. Organs 2013; 27(1): (Impact Factor: 0.792)
- Kishore Ginjupalli, Nagaraj Upadhya, RK Alla, Nandish B.T., Evaluation of cohesive and adhesive strength of dental materials, Manipal Odontoscope. 2012; 4:47 – 52.
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Vishnu Dental College successfully inaugurated its 43rd Rural Satellite clinic at […]
Vishnu Dental Care – 42nd Satellite Clinic in Andhra Pradesh
Vishnu Dental College successfully inaugurated its 42nd Rural Satellite clinic at […]
Vishnu Adhyaan 2024 – 4th Edition Inauguration Session
Department of Periodontics and Implantology is inviting you to a scheduled […]