Shri K. V. Vishnu Raju

Shri K. V. Vishnu Raju was born on 31st January 1964. He did his schooling from St. Xavier’s High School, New Delhi. He is a B. Tech in Chemical Engineering from REC, Tiruchirapalli and M.S (Chemical Engineering) from Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA.
He joined as a chemical engineer in M/s. E.I. Dupont De Nemours Wilmington, Delware, USA (Research and Development in Polymers, Ceramics & Adhesives). He was the Managing Director at Raasi Cement Limited.
Apart from being Chairman of the educational society he is also the Managing Director for M/s. Anjani Portland Cement Limited.
His aim is to fulfill the dreams of the Founder Chairman Late Dr. B. V. Raju by following his path of serving the poor & needy and to promote the cause of education and serve the society.