Library and Information Centre

The air conditioned library boasts of dental literature in the form of textbooks, journals and periodicals. It has e- library facility that provides access to e books, CD-ROMs and e-journals through high speed internet amenity. The library also offers audiovisual zone consisting of wide range of pre-recorded  lectures, videos etc. related to dentistry. A separate reprographic area caters to the needs of its users.

The central Library of Vishnu Dental College is one of the best equipped library integrating international journals, books and electric media providing access to a wide range of data and learning resources. It has a compilation of 6466 books and access to over 135 print and electronic journals. A separate wing for audio-visual materials and digital resources is allocated for better access to e-resources for students and faculty (

Under the concept of e-learning and e-borrowing provides access to students with international journals and books via NTRMednet (  We have 3 databases available through NTRMEDNET namely Dynamed plus, EBSCO medical & Dental Database & Proquest Medical Complete. Through NTRMEDNET faculty and staff has unrestricted access to 545 Academic Journal, 1061Books, 313 Reviews, 5025 Magazines & 3 Conference Materials are available.

Audio-visuals department in library allows to access digital books in CD formats and also have a facility to video-conference with other universities. The library committee comprising of specialist academic Librarians along with teaching staff and student representatives ensure resources reflect current requirements and help provide users with the information they need. Priority is given to acquiring electronic resources, including e-books, to facilitate access for on and off-campus.

DCAP allows library users to search for text books availability in library for either issue or   in hard copy or electronic format. Book bank scheme allocates specific number of books for marginalised and economically weaker students with unrestricted access. Students registered with the college are able to benefit from a range of enhanced services, such as extended book loans, access to British library and libraries of constituent institutes in the campus.

A specified area is allocated for e-learning by providing computers and kiosks for student laptops to access e-content and improve the accessibility for all. On-campus Wi-Fi facility allows unrestricted access to learning resources in the campus. This means that the scope of the library is not just limited to the library alone. Books and journals are available throughout the campus if the student or staff member is on the same Wi-Fi network. Other amenities within the library include an isolated staff reading area, discussion room, and dedicated, separate areas for students and post-graduate students. A dedicated 10 mbps internet connection provides the strong backbone for the same.  ID cards that store member information and software-based record keeping stepping towards ‘paperless’ accessions in library. Inter-library loan among the constituent institutes in the campus allow us to integrate wider access to interdisciplinary learning.

Reprography within the Library provides printing, photocopying and scanning facilities and other binding facilities at a dispenser within the Library.


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